How to Find Easy Crochet and Knitting Projects

This week’s knitting video tutorial is brought to us by eHow and features knitting expert Allison Isaacs from ImagiKnit, who shares her expert knitting tips and tricks on eHow’s video channel on YouTube.

In this particular video Allison talks about how one can easily find crochet and knitting projects.

To find easy crochet and knitting projects, visit a local yarn shop for one-on-one guidance, search the Internet for online patterns or browse through a knitting magazine for beginner projects.

Find a simple and well-written pattern for a beginner project with information from an advanced knitter in this free video on knitting.

Watch the entire video below, for full instructions.

This video tutorial was created by eHow. I encourage you to watch more of their videos, and subscribe to their channel on YouTube by clicking here.

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  1. Hiya,
    Bit of a long shot really but just thought I would ask you.I knit for the Queen Charlotte Neo Natal Ward in London,for premature babies.They are always in need of Hats – blankets bootees – and if lucky enough to go home outfits.I donate my items free to the ward and I also leave knitted items in the small shop in the hospital,where any item sold goes straight to the neo towards whatever it is they are most in need of.If you could donate any wool at all it would be most appreciated and go to a very good cause.
    Best Regards

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