Round Loom Knitting and Free Slipper Pattern

by Linda Spangenburg

Round loom knitting is quick, easy and fun. I made up a pair slippers for my granddaughter in no time at all. This little loom came in very handy the other day when I needed a pair of slippers. My son in law dropped off my 18-month-old granddaughter at 5:30 am the other morning on his way to work. She had on these really cute boots, which were warm but too clunky for all-day and playing. She didn’t want to wear and persisted on taking them off. It was pretty cold out side and I did not want her to go around in her stocking feet. I remembered I had made up some slippers when making a pattern. I dug around and found those slippers, and put them on her.

Knitting Loom

The slippers I and fit her but just barely. So I pulled out the knitting loom and yarn and began another pair just a bit bigger. She loved them and kept them on all day, till it was time to go home. Later that evening my daughter called and asked if I would make yet another pair. It seems after Olivias bath she wanted her slippers back on. My daughter explained these are the only slippers she has ever kept on.

Free Baby Knitting Pattern

Olivias Slippers 18 months 2 skeins yarn worsted weight 1 (14 peg baby bootie loom) Make 2 slippers Wrap all 14 pegs with 2 strands of yarn Rows 1 – 12 – Knit each row 13 – Hang hem Knit around 14 14 – 17 Knit each row Now short row down to 3 stitches Knit 2 rows on these 3 stitches Short row back to out 1 peg at a time Knit 12 rows to toe end String off loom and gather toe and tie off. For a tie to weave into ankle of slipper chain 60 (make two) There are some free patterns online for the grandmothers, mothers, aunts and friends to make up for the ones we love. These are an easy pair of slippers for the toddler and just a sample of what can be created on a knitting loom. So if you are looking for a quick and useful gift, these just may be the ticket. I like the round loom knitting for the speed and ease of knitting. If you need a hat, slipper or booties this is the loom to use. These items can be made up in only an hour or two. If you have not tried loom knitting you are missing a fun and easy craft. This is the perfect year for thoughtful handmade gifts. So grab a loom and yarn and made somebody a bit warmer this year, in thought and temperature. They will really appreciate it.

Linda Spangenburg draws on 35+ years from her knitting and crochet business experience, both as a teacher and craft business owner. She is the author behind Looney for Looms where you will find patterns for loom knitting. We hope you found the information here inspiring enough to try a craft homebased business? You can find more free information about knitting and crochet for profit at

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